December 9th_ Sustainable handicrafts: ECI x Falk School
The Earth Charter in Elementary School: Sustainable Crafting
What do children particularly like to do in the run-up to Christmas? Make gifts to give away at the festival.

Diana Eisenberg, Valeria Geritzen, Sophie Teske in a classroom at the Johann Daniel Falschule.

That's what the handicraft fairy Diana Eisenberg thought and suggested offering a workshop at the Johann-Daniel-Falkschule: Sustainable handicrafts in the sense of the Earth Charter. Valeria Geritzen thought it was a great idea to become active for the children and the topic of sustainability with the Earth Charter.
The planning quickly started with Sophie Teske, the school social worker at the Johann-Daniel-Falkschule. She found an appointment as part of the open all-day school and finally the school authority took over the material costs for the handicraft afternoon.
In the week before the third Advent, the time had come: to make small gifts with paper and scissors. What was in the decorated paper bags and what was given away at Christmas in Warburg? Each of the twelve children diligently made several cards, a self-made envelope, gift tags and bookmarks.
We had a lot of fun doing sustainable handicrafts in the spirit of the Earth Charter and, in addition to the introduction, each child also received a Children's Earth Charter to take home.