December 6th - Future wish six on St. Nicholas Day formulated by Arjan (12 years old)

Future wish six on St. Nicholas Day comes from Arjan (12 years). Arjan would like to see fewer cars in Warburg. Gudrun Niggemann, branch manager of Goeken bake in Warburger Hauptstrasse, comments on the desire to have children "Well, then - finally!" 

On St. Nicholas Day the secondary school students were presented with a book present from Bücher Podszun today. Anke Fabian from the Erd-Charter Ideenwerkstatt presented the gift on behalf of Arjan and Lilly with Anja Kösters (didactic director of the Erd-Charter-Secondary School in Warburg).

What kind of book is it? Silke Kuhaupt from Bücher Podszun indicated that it is about the topic of sustainable living. We are curious to see what the students report and, if possible, implement. Because what you can do yourself is an important question that comes up again and again.

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