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Earth Charter ideas workshop
November `21: One year Earth Charter ideas workshop
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Christmas Eve 2023: Gathering and singing on the market square
RAMPAK GENTENG WARBURG Intercultural friendship JaF x ECI
March 21, 2023: Singing for diversity and peace, 6 p.m. on the Neustadt market square
Our monthly ECI dates 2023
123 Oaks - Earth Charter motivated planting campaign on the 50th day of species protection on the day of the global climate strike (03 March 2023)
24 wishes for the future
1-24 December Advent campaign with the Earth Charter Secondary School: "24 Wishes for the Future"
December 1st - Wish for the future one! Start of the “wish calendar” of the Warburg Earth Charter Secondary School in cooperation with ECI
December 2nd: Wish for the future Two of the Earth Charter secondary school students: inside addressed regionality in food retail
December 3rd - wish three in the Schuhaus Sprenger: "wish calendar" of the Earth Charter Secondary School Warburg in cooperation with ECI
December 4th - Wish for the Future Four of the Earth Charter secondary school students: Greta, Ayleen and Shalin
Press release on the event “Show your attitude! Poetry against racism” – with Philoduo & pianist Aeham Ahmad!
November `21: One year Earth Charter ideas workshop
1-24 December Advent campaign with the Earth Charter Secondary School: "24 Wishes for the Future"
August 24/25, 21 utopia camp for Warburg in Haus Böttrich (Leuphana University)
Next Earth Charter Ideas Workshop Warburg: April 14, 2022
Contact ECI :-)
Earth Charter Initiative Hanseatic City of Warburg
Earth Charter ideas workshop
About ECI
about us
November `21: One year Earth Charter ideas workshop
Downloads ECI - Sharepics
Press releases
News & promotions
Christmas Eve 2023: Gathering and singing on the market square
RAMPAK GENTENG WARBURG Intercultural friendship JaF x ECI
March 21, 2023: Singing for diversity and peace, 6 p.m. on the Neustadt market square
Our monthly ECI dates 2023
123 Oaks - Earth Charter motivated planting campaign on the 50th day of species protection on the day of the global climate strike (03 March 2023)
"Show attitude!" Poetry event with concert in Warburg on March 21, the international world day against racism & world day of poetry
Networking Volunteering in the Earth Charter City
Survey action network volunteering
Monthly meetings
August 24/25, 21 utopia camp for Warburg in Haus Böttrich (Leuphana University)
Press release on the event “Show your attitude! Poetry against racism” – with Philoduo & pianist Aeham Ahmad!
1-24 December Advent campaign with the Earth Charter Secondary School: "24 Wishes for the Future"
November `21: One year Earth Charter ideas workshop
Next Earth Charter Ideas Workshop Warburg: April 14, 2022
Contact ECI :-)
Earth Charter Initiative Hanseatic City of Warburg
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