December 14th - Future wish fourteen from Claudia Güthoff, headmistress at the Erd-Charter-Secondary School, addresses educational opportunities for everyone
"Enabling opportunities through education and participation!" For Gerd Rieke, former Earth Charter teacher at the Earth Charter Secondary School in Warburg and today a member of the board of the association Second Home, Claudia Güthoff, headmistress at the Earth Charter Secondary School, describes the desire for the future Warburg with partial location Borgentreich, exactly what the Zwei Heimat eV would like to create with voluntary commitment. Many children and young people with immigrant and refugee backgrounds come regularly to the "Second Home" meeting place. The volunteers of the Zwei Heimat eV form an important building block for an active and successful integration in the new home in the Warburg urban society:
More information about the desired sponsors: www.zweite-heimat-warburg.de
"We are committed to a culturally lively and cosmopolitan Warburg that actively deals with the issues of migration and integration, in which old and new citizens meet respectfully and at eye level and diversity is experienced as an enrichment." (Source: Second Heimat eV, Instagram)